Notice of public sale of a Toyota Prado GX 2008
Notice of public sale of a Toyota Prado GX 2008
This vehicle has been in service since 2008 and has run approx. 84.000 km (odometer reading). The car is in a good running condition and has been regularly serviced by local workshops. It has never let us down. It will be sold in as is condition with imperfections to be expected at the vehicle’s age.
Toyota Landcruiser Prado GX 2008, Model LJ120-GKMEE, Engine 5 L-E 3.0 Diesel, 96hp/70kw, 8-seater, tires with 5-7 mm tread depth, spare wheel with unused tire and a full fuel tank of 140 litres
The Prado can be inspected at the German Embassy in Freetown on
- Thursday, February 8th 2024 between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. and on
- Friday, February 9th 2024 between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m.
This Toyota Prado will be sold by tender to the bidder with the highest offer. Bids must be submitted to the German Embassy in Freetown by Tuesday, February 13th 2024 at 12 noon in a sealed envelope to
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
3, Middle Hill Station
and contain full name, address, contact number and email address of the bidder and the binding bid indicated in USD (payments to be done in SLE at the Central Bank’s USD buying exchange rate of the day).
The bids will be opened after end of submission and the bidder with the highest offer will be contacted on that day. The successful bidder has to make a commitment payment of ten thousand Leones (or pay the full amount at once) to the Embassy by Wednesday, February 14th 2024 at 1 p.m.
Failing this, he will forfeit the bid and the next highest bidder will be considered. The balance amount for the vehicle will have to be paid by February 16th 2024 at 12 noon.
The Commitment fee shall be forfeited, if the successful bidder fails to pay the balance amount by the above stated time. The next best bid offer shall then be considered. The beforementioned procedure will follow accordingly.
The vehicle can be picked up after verification of payment. Number plates will not be available. This is a diplomatic vehicle, possible tax or duty payments are to be borne by the new owner.
For queries please contact us:
Phone: +232 78 732 120; Email: info@freetown.diplo.de
Notice of public sale of a Toyota Prado GX 2008